Service Coordination

It is the primary goal to ensure that services to Highland County families and children include the following components:

  • Services are delivered using a family-centered approach
  • Services are responsive to the cultural, racial, and ethnic differences of the population being served
  • Service outcomes are evaluated
  • Available funding resources are fully utilized or integrated
  • Home and community supports are utilized as needed
  • Specialized treatment for difficult-to-serve populations and evidence-based treatment services are encouraged
  • Duplicative efforts among agencies are reduced or eliminated
  • Most importantly, families are fully involved in decision-making for the children and are provided with family advocacy options

Service Coordination Mechanism

How Can We Help?

If a family is in need either because they have a child who is classified as unruly, or their child is diagnosed either with a developmental delay or mental health diagnosis, or their child is medically fragile, we are able to offer service coordination that will enable the family to meet with all the services that could help them at one time rather than going to meet with all the agencies separately.

While agencies/organizations can refer families to service coordination, families can also contact 937-393-4278 ext. 5043 to be referred for service coordination.